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Address: 2784 N. Decatur Rd • Suite 120 • Decatur, Georgia 30033
Telephone: 678-383-7246
Fax: 678-782-2827

Workers' Comp

Workers’ Compensation may provide you with medical benefits, rehabilitation support, and supplemental income if you suffer an injury or fall ill as a result of a compensable, work-related accident. These benefits are provided to help you return to work. In the case of your death, your dependents may also be eligible to claim benefits.

What You Should Know:

  • When you're in an accident while on the job, report your injury immediately to your supervisor. If you wait more than a month to report the injury, you may lose the opportunity to receive benefits.
  • To file a claim, you'll need to complete Form WC-14, file it with the State Board of Workers' Compensation, and send a copy to your employer and their workers' compensation insurance carrier.
  • If you're away from work for more than 7 days because of your injury, you're eligible to receive two-thirds of your weekly earnings, up to a maximum of $575 as a weekly income benefit. Depending on the nature of your injury, you may qualify to accept this benefit for up to 400 weeks.
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Personal Injury & Workers' Compensation services at Georgia Pain and Spine Institute | Decatur Pain Management


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