Chronic pain is the most common cause of long-term disability. It lasts longer than "normal healing" (several months), and can cause severe problems.
Spinal cord stimulation (also called SCS) uses electrical impulses to relieve chronic pain of the back, arms and legs. It is believed that electrical pulses prevent pain signals from being received by the brain. SCS candidates include people who suffer from neuropathic pain and for whom conservative treatments have failed.
Chronic pain is the most common cause of long-term disability. It lasts longer than "normal healing" (several months), and can cause severe problems.
Injuries (caused by car accidents or falls) can happen at work or play, indoors or outdoors, driving a car, or walking across the street.
Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) and Stem Cell Injections can enhance healing and stimulate growth in bone and soft tissue injuries.